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Counseling And Psychotherapy Blog

" The mind, once expanded by a new idea, never regains its original form... "

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

" It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change... ”

– Charles Darwin

" In life, the only constant is change itself. Your ability to adapt to change will determine the quality and success of your life... ”

– Benjamin Franklin

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The Same Professional Help… Just On Your Couch Not Mine

If you’re struggling with painful issues and problems, and want or need help from professional Counseling and Psychotherapy Services, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, but your busy life, logistics, or geographical distance to a psychotherapist’s office are challenging – – you’re not alone.

FORTUNATELY, you will be relieved and comforted to discover that even if your busy life, logistics, or geographical distance to a psychotherapist’s office are indeed challenging, you can still benefit from professional Counseling and Psychotherapy through convenient Remote Counseling and Psychotherapy Sessions by VIDEO or PHONE, otherwise known as Telehealth Services.

You will also be happy to know that for a wide range of people, Counseling and Psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, enjoyed remotely through VIDEO or PHONE sessions with a skilled and caring Psychotherapist, can be just as beneficial and meaningful as in-office sessions!

Benefits Of Therapy By Telehealth (Video / Phone) Include:

  • The Same Professional Help... Just On Your Couch Not Mine
  • Convenience
  • Reduced overall cost and time of therapy
  • No travel time to and from an office
  • No traffic
  • No need to find or pay for parking
  • No cost or time for gas or electric vehicle charging
  • No navigating harsh weather in summer and winter
  • Therapy conveniently in your chosen environment
  • The ability to choose a therapist state-wide
  • I can see you even if you are unable to get to my office
  • I can see you even when you are sick, if you so choose
  • I can see you if or when you travel within the state
  • I can see you if or when you move within the state
  • Good for homebound clients with limited mobility
  • Good for clients who lack transportation options

Comforting Thoughts

During these times we are living in, when so many aspects of life can be difficult, and when the need for professional Counseling and Psychotherapy is so high, it's nice to know that even if your busy life, logistics, or geographical distance make getting to my psychotherapy office difficult,  convenient Remote Counseling and Psychotherapy Sessions - - through VIDEO or PHONE - - is a GREAT option!  When you’re ready, I look forward to hearing from you…

With Kindness and Warmest Regards,
Brett Richards M.A. MFT Signature
Brett Richards, M.A., MFT

Start Your Path To A Happier Life!

If you’ve been struggling, and are looking for relief, contact me today for a Confidential Initial Consultation At No Charge, with absolutely no obligation. 

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